FREE Wood Destroying Insect Inspection with Home Inspection!!!
Over 6,000 inspections performed since 2003!
The purchase or sale of a home or property is one of the largest single investments or transactions you will ever make. Hometech Property Inspection Services, LLC has 20+ years of background in the building and remodeling field, trained by master craftsmen. Each year we inspect hundreds of properties in New Hampshire estimated at over 10 million dollars worth of real estate by educating clients, and minimizing any unexpected repairs and expenses about a newly constructed or existing house before the purchase. Pricing is based according to square footage and age of the property when calling to schedule an inspection.
A thorough and objective evaluation by an experienced professional home inspector provides the information needed to make an informed buying decision and provides peace of mind.
All of our home inspections are conducted according to the New Hampshire standards of practice and code of ethics. We are proud to be a certified member of the National and Northern New England Chapter of ASHI, with over 20+ hours of continuing educational training
We provide the client with a pleasant and informative Home buying Experience, which goes beyond the inspection by providing you with a full and courteous service.
At the conclusion of the inspection, Hometech will email you using the latest 3D software inspection report in PDF format. Pictures are included in all Home Inspection Reports for reference.